Friday, July 04, 2008

Finally Home

Getting back to this blog thing again. My last post was over two years ago and reading them I realized how dumb and naive I was, so I deleted all my posts. Starting over...

Today has been a great day. I'm still bummed because my lovely wife is at home in Washington and here I sit in NC. But still... a great day. Amy texted me a message about this band called "Enfield" and told me to give it a listen and see if I could recognize the vocals. Before I could actually listen to it she told me it was John and Lisa... so much for that fun little game. But, wow. They have a song called "Finally Home" and it gave me chills.

To jump on a bunny trail that will eventually come back to the point, God has a plan for everything and while I never see why at first, he knows, and I can put my hope in that. Keri is gone right now and will be for the next 13 days, this is the longest we've ever been apart. Why couldn't I go with her? Why don't we have the money? Ahh! God has a plan. Sitting at home alone in a completely quite house (minus the dogs) gives me an opportunity to "be still." This doesn't happen a lot in my life. (This is where the trail starts to take a u-turn back). I think that if Keri had been here I would have listened to the song and thought "wow, that's a great melody," or "great vocals," but I believe that because I sit here at home all alone, God made my heart sensitive to Him. I had the opportunity to sit down and really listen to these lyrics:

On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
And cast a wishful eye
To Canaan's fair and happy land
Where my possessions lie.

All o'er those wide extended plains
Shines one eternal day;
There God the Son forever reigns
And scatters night away.

We will sing on that day,
"Hallelujah, Bless Your name"
We will bow at your throne singing
"Hallelujah, we are finally home!"

No chilling winds nor pois'nous breath
Can reach that healthful shore;
Sickness, sorrow, pain and death
Are felt and feared no more.

We will sing on that day,
"Hallelujah, Bless Your name"
We will bow at your throne singing
"Hallelujah, we are finally home!"

When shall I reach that happy place,
And be forever blessed?
When shall I see my Father's face,
And in His safe hands rest?

We will sing on that day,
"Hallelujah, Bless Your name"
We will bow at your throne singing
"Hallelujah, we are finally home!"

Wow! This is something I can't even imagine!

It's funny, because I was talking to Keri a couple days ago and she had finally gotten back into Washington after crazy events through airports and delayed flights and late flights know the story. You could hear the relief after she finally called me from the airport and told me that she was "finally home." I think she may have even used those exact words. How much more will we sing the praises of the Lord God Almighty as we shout "Hallelujah! We are finally home!" Now that, my friend, is hope that comes from nowhere else but salvation through Jesus Christ!

After a long period of a stagnant Christian life, my heart has been set on fire! I can not wait to finally go home!